Replacement Terminal Environmental Assessment
15. What is the status of the Environmental Assessment?
The Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Trenton-Mercer Airport Replacement Terminal is being prepared in accordance with FAA Order 5050.4B, “National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Implementing Instructions for Airport Projects", and FAA Order 1050.1F, "Environmental Impacts Policies and Procedures". Draft sections of the EA will be submitted to the FAA in the next few weeks for draft/preliminary review. The sections include Purpose and Need, Alternatives, and Affected Environment. Following preliminary comments from the FAA, the sections will be revised and the Environmental Consequences section and a section containing any needed Mitigation will be submitted for draft/preliminary review.
The FAA determines the type of NEPA document to be submitted and at this time an EA is being pursued based on the data and direction/coordination with the FAA. For the Replacement Terminal environmental planning, an EA has begun based on FAA input. If, in the view of the FAA during the EA process, it is determined there may be significant impacts that cannot be mitigated to less than significance, the project would be changed from an EA into an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and directed by the FAA.