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Replacement Terminal Environmental Assessment

17. What types of analysis are part of the Air Quality Analysis and the Children’s Health and Safety Risks?


For Air Quality, potential effects of the proposed action (build option) are evaluated against the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), as required by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Federal Clean Air Act (CAA). The EA will analyze standard EPA the issues associated with air quality the no-build option and the build option and includes future aircraft operations; air quality during construction; and impacts due to air and vehicular traffic due to delays related to the Terminal project.


For Children’s Health and Safety Risks, the EA will analyze populations of vulnerable children in the future no-build and future build scenarios for the terminal. The study areas may include impacts due to light emissions; impacts of the project on schools, playgrounds, and parks; and impacts of noise at local schools. The study and analysis will include anything that will disproportionately impact children.



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