Replacement Terminal Environmental Assessment
16. What areas of studies are included in the Terminal Environmental Assessment?
The Proposed Action is the basis for the Purpose and Need, Alternatives Analysis, Affected Environment, Environmental Consequences, and Mitigation. The Proposed Action for the Replacement Terminal EA includes:
Replacement 4 Gate Terminal – Construction of a four gate terminal with modern and current amenities that are sized for the function and forecast for the airport through the design and construction of improved and industry standard sizing of ticketing areas, security checkpoint and baggage inspection areas, passenger hold rooms, concessions areas, baggage handling and baggage claim areas, airline operations, airport and county operations, and other factors.
Apron Improvements – Construct a parking apron for aircraft for the replacement terminal.
Parking Lot Reconfiguration and Parking Garage – Reconfigure the existing parking lots and construct a parking garage to accommodate the needs of the airport.
Roadway, Intersections, Vehicular Circulation, and Ground Access Improvements – Construct improved roadways to access the replacement terminal.
Relocate the Airport Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF) Facility – Construct a new ARFF in a location that meets response times required for commercial airports.
As part of the EA, the Impact Categories to be analyzed include:
Air Quality
Biological Resources (fish, wildlife, and plants)
Coastal Resources
DOT Section 4(f)
Hazardous Materials, Solid Waste, and Pollution Prevention
Historical, Architectural, Archaeological and Cultural Resources
Land Use
Natural Resources and Energy Supply
Noise and Noise Compatible Land Use
Environmental Justice
Children’s Health and Safety Risks
Light Emissions
Visual Resources/Visual Character
Surface Waters
Wild and Scenic Rivers
The EA analysis of these categories may include conducting studies and analyzing data for “no build” and “build” scenarios. Examples of studies and models being developed including the development of noise contours for the airport; analysis of air quality during construction and operation of the terminal; analysis of wetlands and floodplain impacts; etc.
The County/Airport is conducting all environmental studies and following protocols as deemed necessary and appropriate by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and the Federal Aviation Administration. The FAA dictates the level of environmental review and determines the appropriateness of project consolidation, taking into account the Airport’s Layout Plan and projected projects.
Further description of the process for the Environmental Assessment can be found in the attached Frequently Asked Questions and on